Troy Kimmel Weather

Forecasting Austin and South Central Texas Weather Since 1984

TK’s Weather Discussion (Mon/21May2012)

Updated 130pm CDT Monday / 21 May 2012

…. A Mostly Stable Air Mass Expected over the Coming Days ….
…. Isolated Thunderstorms Tonight Otherwise No Mention of Rain ….
…. Near or Slightly Above Average Afternoon Temperatures with the Sunshine ….

On this Monday… surface high pressure is located over the eastern part of the USA with a trough.. or line.. of surface low pressure and a weakening surface cold front extending southwestward from western Tennessee into northwestern Louisiana and north and central Texas then westward and into New Mexico. As a result, a south southeasterly surface wind is blowing across our area.

In the upper levels of the atmosphere, an area of upper air high pressure continues across the area with a trough.. or line.. of upper air low pressure moving northeastward from the Rockies and passing well to our north. As a result of the upper air wind flow, the upper level winds are light northerly over our area.

A passing disturbance will produce a very slim chance of rain showers and thunderstorms tonight.

Otherwise.. there’s little change in our weather pattern across south central Texas.

Skies will continue to be mostly sunny to partly cloudy. With low level moisture having increased across the area, we’ll continue to see late night and early morning low cloudiness.

Other than tonight’s slight chance, there is no mention of rain anywhere in my seven day forecast.

For Austin and south central Texas… tonight will be partly cloudy with isolated thunderstorms. Lows in the 60s. South southeasterly wind. For tomorrow, morning low clouds becoming partly cloudy. Highs in the  90s with a light wind becoming southerly in the afternoon.

Have a good Monday night and Tuesday…
Meteorologist Troy Kimmel

Contact me:
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