Troy Kimmel Weather

Forecasting Austin and South Central Texas Weather Since 1984

TK’s Weather Discussion

IMPORTANT NOTE: I’m sorry for the short notice, but with the stable weather pattern over the next few days, I’m going to accelerate a major computer upgrade here at my office. I will be transitioning computer systems beginning at 9am Friday morning.. this upgrade may take much of the day on Friday. As a result, I will rush my updates (forecast and discussion) on Friday trying to get them posted on line before the 9am cutoff time. Other products, including my audio weather webcast, will not be updated until Monday morning / 8 April 2013. Again, my apologies for late notice but I want to get this done over a “quiet” weather period and this way, I’ll have a quiet weekend for the new computer system to “settled down” and get stabilized. Thanks.. tk

Updated 845am CDT Thursday / 4 April 2013

Clouds Breaking Today ….
Sunshine Returns with Warmer Temperatures Late Week into the Weekend ….
Another Cold Front with a Chance of Rain for the Middle of Next Week ….

On this Thursday…. a cold front extends southwestward from the Florida panhandle through the central and western Gulf of Mexico into Mexico well south of Brownsville. Surface high pressure.. behind the front.. extends from the Ohio Valley west southwestward into the southern plains of the USA. Given this surface pressure pattern, surface winds are northerly across our area of Texas.

In the upper levels of the atmosphere, a strong upper level low pressure area over eastern Oklahoma and western Arkansas  As a result of this upper air wind flow, our upper level winds are moderate west northwesterly with winds of 50 to 60 mph about 18,000 feet over Austin.

The upper level low pressure storm system is departing off to the north and east of our area now with clouds expected to break during the day today. A dry and stable weather pattern is developing with surface high pressure prevailing through tomorrow and the weekend with plenty of sunshine and warmer temperatures expected.

As the high pressure area moves east of the area by later tomorrow into tomorrow night and Saturday, low level moisture will begin to return with late night and early morning low cloudiness returning by early next week.

Our next air mass change will come next Wednesday as another cold front moves down across Texas with a chance of rain showers and thunderstorms followed by a little cooler temperatures once again next Wednesday night and Thursday.

Have a good Wednesday night and Thursday…
Meteorologist Troy Kimmel

Contact me:
[email protected]